Any student that is pregnant or becomes pregnant while in the Diagnostic Medical Program
should consider the following:
1) Exposure to communicable diseases. As a student you may be exposed to
communicable diseases such as rubella and the
Hepatitis C virus
which are a serious
danger to the developing fetus. It is the pregnant student’s responsibility to avoid those
patients that may put them at risk.
2) Students are at risk to radiation exposure while performing certain ultrasound exams.
Pregnant students must protect themselves and their baby by using lead aprons and avoiding
all radiation until after the first trimester.
3) If the students’ medical condition limits their ability to continue in the program they may
withdraw and continue with the next class, if a position is available, beginning with the course
or courses dropped. Missed clinical time over the 3 days allowed may be made up but may
also delay the student’s graduation.
Any student who fails a DMS course will not be allowed to continue onto the next semester
of DMS courses. If this is the student’s first failure, the student may reapply to the DMS
program for the following year. If the student fails for a second time, or fails more than one
DMS course, it will result in permanent dismissal from the DMS program without chance of
For additional Health Science Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check of the college catalog.