The RN to BSN student is responsible for fulfilling academic and clinical responsibilities in
an honest and forthright manner. The Darton State College Handbook contains a full
description of these rights and responsibilities and the disciplinary procedures that will
guide the action of faculty and administration should a candidate commit prohibited
behaviors. In addition, academic dishonesty or misconduct may result in dismissal from the
nursing program. Students will be required to read the Student Code of Conduct in the
Darton State College Academic Catalog
. http://www.darton.edu/catalog/current.phpGraduation
RN to BSN classes must be completed within three years of starting date and credit for
classes taken prior to this will be considered by the Dean.
Darton State College grants the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree to graduates of the
RN to BSN Completion nursing program. Although some students may satisfy degree
requirements each semester, there are only two formal graduation exercises each year--
following Fall and Spring semesters. General requirements for the degrees are as follows:
1. Quantitative - RN to BSN Completion program students must complete a minimum of
120 semester hours of academic work, plus physical education requirements. At least
25% of the RN to BSN degree must be resident instruction at Darton.
A. 60 hours core curriculum
B. 30 hours of articulation credit from an accredited associate or diploma program in
C. 30 hours upper division nursing credit
2. Qualitative -- The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (C) on all
work presented to meet graduation requirements of Darton State College. In addition to
College graduation requirements, nursing students must have a minimum grade of "C" in
each nursing course.
3. Curricular -- The student must satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum or
complete a specific program of study. All candidates are required to:
Satisfy the provision of the Georgia State Code 32-706 as amended by the
General Assembly, which requires all candidates for a degree to pass either
courses in, or an appropriate examination on the history of the United States, the
history of Georgia, the United States Constitution, and the Constitution of
Georgia. These requirements may be met by successfully completing American
Government POLS 1101.
Successfully complete English 1101 and 1102 with a grade of C or higher for
satisfaction of Regent’s requirements.
Successful completion of all RN to BSN Completion program nursing courses
with a minimum grade of C.
Students pursuing the RN to BSN Completion program must complete the
program within three years of enrollment into the first RN to BSN nursing course.