The mission of the Darton State College Physical Therapist Assistant Programs is to
graduate knowledgeable, competent, self-assured, adaptable, and service-oriented physical
therapist assistants.
The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program at Darton State College is accredited by
the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). Admission to the
program is a two-step process. Students may declare a PTA plan of study upon college
enrollment while completing prerequisite coursework for the purpose of advisement. However,
this does not guarantee admission to the program.
After successful completion of the four semester PTA program, this includes both didactic
and clinical components; an Associate of Science degree will be awarded. Graduates will be
academically eligible to apply for national licensure by examination through the Georgia State
Board of Physical Therapy. It is noted that permission to take the examination is granted by
the Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy. The board has the right to refuse to grant a
license to any individual who has been convicted of legal and/or moral violations specified by
Georgia law.
After satisfactory performance on the examination, licensed physical therapist assistants
will be qualified for entry-level employment in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, outpatient
clinics, and other health care settings.
The PTA program reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the enrollment of a PTA
student if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the PTA faculty, and the
Dean of the Health Sciences Division, the student does not appear to have the necessary
qualifications for a career as a PTA.
Additional PTA Program Requirements
1. The PTA program requires a full-time commitment from the student. Generally, classes
will be scheduled Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with some evening
and/or Friday/weekend time commitments as needed.
2. Since clinical education is a critical component of the program, all clinical practicums
must be passed. Some out of town travel will be necessary. Students are responsible
for their own transportation, food, and lodging during the practicums unless other
arrangements are made by the clinical site or student.
3. Students must provide evidence of the following prior to clinical experiences:
a. Completed health form, including evidence of the hepatitis B vaccine series.
b. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification - American Heart Association
BLS Health Care Provider course. This must be maintained throughout the
c. Malpractice insurance (available through Darton State College).
d. Signed letter of confidentiality and honor code.
4. The student is expected to assume responsibility for his/her own health in the event of
illness, accident, or exposure to communicable disease.
5. A minimum grade of "C" is required in each PTA didactic course to advance in the
6. Clinical practicums must be passed to graduate. In the event of unsatisfactory
performance, one practicum may be repeated one time only during the Spring Semester
if deemed appropriate by the clinical faculty.
7. Once enrolled in the program, failure to satisfactorily complete the coursework in the
scheduled sequence will result in the student being withdrawn from the program. The
student would have to reapply, be re-accepted, and repeat appropriate coursework.
8. Students must follow the policies and procedures of the PTA program.
9. Membership in the American Physical Therapy Association is strongly recommended to
enhance professional development.
10. All PTA students are required to purchase uniforms as specified by clinical sites and a
clinical kit, which includes a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, goniometer, and other
commonly needed clinical items.
11. In order to successfully complete the clinical practicums and work effectively as a PTA,
students are required to possess the following functional abilities and critical skills: