following courses: ALHE 1120, BIOL 1100K, CHEM 1151, PHSC 1011K, and BIOL 2115.
Science courses taken more than five years prior to enrollment in the program will be
evaluated by the Respiratory Care Program Faculty and may need to be
Respiratory Care Program Requirements:
Students will be required to submit a completed health form documenting
satisfactory health status and evidence of health insurance prior to clinical
The student
is responsible
for his/her own health in the event of illness, accident,
or exposure to communicable disease in class, lab, or clinic.
Professional liability insurance is required prior to clinical rotations.
A. Students must earn a “C” or better in all professional courses in order to
progress to the next course in sequence. Any student failing to complete a
professional course will not be allowed to continue in the program.
B. The student may reapply for admission in the next class. Students seeking
readmission will be evaluated by the Respiratory Care faculty to determine
acceptability and placement in the program. Previously completed professional
courses may be accepted or may need to be repeated at the
sole discretion
the faculty.
C. Students who fail to complete more than one Respiratory course (this may be
two different courses or the same course twice) will be dismissed from the program
and will not be re-accepted. Withdrawing from a respiratory course in lieu of failing
will count as an attempt the same as a failure.
D. Students who fail a clinical practicum must at a minimum repeat
clinical and classroom courses covering that content.
Students are required to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA in order to graduate from
the program and Darton State College.
The Respiratory Care Program reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the
enrollment of a Respiratory Care student if, in the judgment of the Vice President
for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Health Science and the Respiratory Care
Faculty, the student does not appear to have the necessary qualifications or
temperament for a career as a Respiratory Care Professional. Refer to the
program handbook for more information.
The student must abide by the policies and procedures of the Respiratory Care
program as defined in the program handbook.
The student must possess the essential physical and mental functional
requirements for the profession in the categories of visual acuity, hearing, physical
ability, speech, and manual dexterity. Refer to the Program Handbook for complete
Students will have three attempts to successfully demonstrate competency of any
skill taught in any laboratory course or clinical practicum. This policy includes the
American Heart Association ACLS course at the end of RESP 1138. Students
unable to demonstrate competency after 3 attempts will fail the laboratory or
clinical course, including ACLS, and will not be allowed to progress in the program.
Students may re-apply according to the previously listed policies.
Respiratory students must demonstrate
a. Sufficient critical thinking ability to be able to safely and effectively assess
clinical situations and act appropriately.
b. Sufficient interpersonal skills to interact successfully with co-workers,
supervisors, patients and family members who may have different social,
emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds.
c. Sufficient communication abilities, both verbal and written, to be able to provide
patient instruction and education, complete proper documentation and
communicate with physicians and other health care workers professionally.