1002 Elementary French II
FREN 1002 is a continuation of FREN1001 with continued listening, speaking,
reading and writing in French, and orientation to the cultures of French-speaking
Prerequisite: FREN 1001 with a grade of “C” or higher or equivalent.
Offered: On demand.
2001 Intermediate French I
FREN 2001 continues FREN 1002, with emphasis on refining all of the language
skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking), on the understanding and appreciation
of the cultural traditions of the French-speaking people and with an introduction to
the literature of the Francophone world.
Prerequisite: FREN 1002 with a grade of “C” or higher or equivalent.
Offered: On demand.
2002 Intermediate French II
FREN 2002 is a continuation of FREN 2001, with emphasis on refining skills in
reading, writing, listening and speaking, exploration of Francophone cultures with
comparison and contrast to the student’s native culture with continued
development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French, as well as
awareness and understanding of various socio-cultural aspects and the
distinctiveness of certain cultural traditions of the Francophone world.
Prerequisite: FREN 2001 with a grade of “C” or higher.
Offered: On demand.
GEOL 1011K Introductory Geosciences – eCore only
This course covers Earth materials and processes.
Prerequisites: none.
GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography
A survey of global patterns of resources, population, culture and economic
systems. Emphasis is placed upon the factors contributing to these patterns and
the distinctions between the technologically advanced and less advanced regions
of the world.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into
co-requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: On demand.
HADM 3303 US Health Care Systems - eMajor Only
Fundamental concerns such as cost, access, quality, financing, health workforce
and public health represent key topics. We will apply these topics or problems to
real-life siutations. The approach will be purposeful in allowing the successful
student to recognize how these topics interact with each other within the whole
health care system.
HADM 3304 Health Care Communication - eMajor Only
There is a growing awareness that communication not only affects, but is
inextricably linked to issues of health and medicine. This is true on a personal
level in the way patients and caregivers interact in the examiniation and hospital
room. It is also true on an organizational level in that policies and community
relations affect the way health care is provided and the way people feel about
providers. It is also evident in media campaigns that seek to educate people
about health.