2100 Introduction to Broadcast Production
This class will allow students to produce a wide array of television productions,
including public service announcements, video/audio montages, news-style
packages and studio-based shows. The course will instruct students on how to
operate video cameras, audio and lighting equipment, and editing equipment.
Finally, the course will allow students to explore the variety of career opportunities
in mass media.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1101 Leadership Development
The purpose of the course is to help students identify the attributes of effective
leaders so that they can build their leadership potential and develop skills that will
be of benefit to them personally and in their chosen profession.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
LEAS 1100 Introduction to Paralegalism- eMajor Only
An introdcution to the field of paralegalism. This course will include the role of the
paralegal in the legal system, the regulation and ethics of prcatice and the skills
necessary for sucessful practice.
LEAS 3200 Legal Research – eMajor Only
A study of legal research methods utilizing state and federal sources.
Students will develop professional skills as they read and analyze appellate court
opinions, legislation and pleadings.
Prerequisite: LEAS 1100.
LEAS 3201 Legal Resarch II-eMajor Only
A conintuation of Legal Research I. This course will emphasize computer assisted
legal research skills as well as the preparation of legal documents.
Prerequisites: LEAS 1100 and LEAS 3200.
LEAS 3210 - Pre-Trial Preparation and Procedures – eMajor Only
(3 -0-3)
The study of pre-trial procedures and tactics in civil and criminal cases. The course
will include methods of investigation, interviewing clients, preparation of clients and
witnesses for testifying, competency of evidence, preparation of interrogatories,
other discovery methods, and pleadings.
Prerequisite: LEAS 1100.
LEAS 3220 - Business Entities – eMajor Only
(3 -0-3)
The study of corporate, partnership and agency law. This course will examine the
applicable law as well as the formation and dissolution of various types of business
Prerequisite: LEAS 1100.
LEAS 3230 - Criminal Law for the Paralegal – eMajor Only
(3 -0-3)
The study of procedural and substantive criminal law. The application,
interpretation, and enforcement of criminal law will be addressed. The role of the
paralegal in the criminal justice system will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: LEAS 1100.