Please refer to the program’s handbook on th
e college web sitefor the RADS program’s complete
pregnancy policy. Any student that is pregnant or becomes pregnant while in the Radiologic Science
program should consider the following:
Exposure to communicable diseases. As a student, one may be exposed to a variety of
communicable diseases such as rubella and the Hepatitis C virus which are a serious
danger to the developing fetus. It is the pregnant student’s responsibility to avoid those
patients that may put them at risk.
Students are at risk to radiation exposure while performing radiographic exams. Pregnant
students must protect themselves and the unborn child(ren) by using radiation protection
practices and avoided as much radiation as possible until after the first trimester.
If the student’s medical condition limits her ability to continue in the program, she may
choose to withdraw and continue with the following cohort of RADS students, if a
position is available, beginning with the withdrawn course(s). Excessive absences over
the specified allowed amount (excused or unexcused) may cause the student to be
dropped from that/those course(s).
If a student discovers she is pregnant, disclosure of the pregnancy to program faculty is
voluntary. If she chooses to disclose the pregnancy, a Disclosure Form will need to be
completed and submitted to the program director. A Withdrawal of Disclosure Form is
also available to be completed if the student needs to withdraw the disclosure.
The Radiologic Science program at Darton State College is currently accredited by the Joint Review
Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Contact information is as follows:
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
(312) 704-5304 fax
In addition to college graduation requirements, students must have a grade of “C” or better in all
RADS courses. The Radiologic Science program reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the
enrollment of Radiologic Science student, if, in the judgment of the Vice President of Academic
Affairs and the Radiologic Science faculty, the student does not appear to have the necessary
qualifications for radiologic science.
Any student who fails a RADS course will not be allowed to continue onto the next semester of
RADS courses. If this is the student’s first failure, the student may re-apply to the program the
following year. If the student fails a second time, or fails more than one RADS course, it will result
in permanent dismissal from the RADS program without a chance of re-admission. If a student
withdraws or leaves due to reasons other than failure, the student may re-apply for admission in the
following year. However, in any case, prior to readmission, the student must demonstrate continued
competency in the completed courses via examination and/or demonstration with the program
faculty to determine continued competency in previously completed courses. If a period longer than
one year lapses before readmission, the student must reapply to begin the program from the
beginning (occupational specific courses repeated not general core). RADS courses more than two
years old must be repeated. If a student is dismissed due to disciplinary reasons, that student may not
reapply for admission for a period of five years from the time of dismissal.