2110 Organization and Supervision in Health Information
(Online Course Onl
Introduction to the principles of organization and supervision in order to develop
effective skills in leadership, motivation, and team building techniques in the practice of
health information management.
Prerequisite: HITE 2100.
Offered: Summer and Fall.
2137 Fundamentals of Health Information Management
(Online Course Onl
This course introduces the student to the field of Health Information Management (HIM)
and its role in healthcare delivery systems. Emphasis is placed on the health information
management profession, hospital and medical staff organization, structure and content of
medical records, quantitative and qualitative analysis, release of patient information, legal
aspects of medical records, ethical issues in HIM, healthcare statistics, indexes and
registers, electronic medical records, payment and reimbursement systems, and
regulatory and accrediting agencies.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Health Information Technology Program.
Corequisites: HITE 2100, HITE 2400.
Offered: Fall.
2150 Coding I
(Online Course Onl
Students will be introduced to the principles of ICD-10-CM coding used in the
assignment of inpatient and outpatient diagnosis codes and inpatient procedure codes.
Prerequisites: ALHE 1120, BIOL 2111K/2112K, HITE 2100, HITE 2137, HITE 2400.
Offered: Spring.
2160 Coding II
(Online Course Onl
Students will be introduced to the principles of CPT coding, used to assign valid
procedure and service codes.
Prerequisite: HITE 2150.
Offered: Summer.
2170 Advanced Coding and Reimbursement
(Online Course Onl
This course integrates and builds on basic knowledge and skills acquired in HITE 2150
and HITE 2160, enhancing skill level through use of clinical case studies. Impact on
reimbursement, ethical coding, encoders, and groupers will be emphasized.
Reimbursement topics include DRGS, APCs, RBRVs, chargemaster, and coding
compliance. Students will have live access to QuadraMed encoder.
Prerequisites: HITE 2150, HITE 2160.
Offered: Fall.
2200 Healthcare Statistics
(Online Course Onl
Study of the methods/formulas used in computing and preparing statistical reports for
healthcare services and vital records. Emphasis is placed on the effective use, collection,
arrangement, presentation, and verification of healthcare data, and on the concepts of
descriptive statistics, data validity, and reliability.
Prerequisites: MATH 1111, HITE 2100, HITE 2137, CISM 2201.
Offered: Spring and Summer.