1103 Respiratory Modalities for Polysomnography
A course designed to develop knowledge of normal respiratory anatomy and physiology
needed by personnel employed in a sleep lab. Topics covered include: anatomy of the
pulmonary system, structures of the chest wall, muscles of ventilation, blood supply to
the lungs, basic physiology of ventilation and lung mechanics, oxygen therapy, PAP
therapy and patient assessment.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: Admission into the program.
Offered: On demand.
1104 Polysomnography II
A continuation of Polysomnography I. This course will focus on scoring sleep studies,
additional tests performed as split night studies, multiple sleep latency testing,
maintenance of wakefulness tests, PAP titration studies and others.
Prerequisites: SLEP 1100, SLEP 1101, SLEP 1102.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.
1105 Pharmacology of Sleep
This course is designed to cover basic principles of pharmacology and the
pharmacological actions and effects of different classes of drugs on the body and how
they may impact sleep and the polysomnogram. The focus will be on analgesics,
sedatives, hypnotics, psychotropic medications, alcohol, cardiac medications and
respiratory system drugs. A good knowledge of basic pharmacology is needed to be able
to understand the patient's polysomnogram and the response to therapy.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.
1106 Sleep Disorders
This course is designed to identify the major categories of sleep disorders according to
the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. Assorted sleep disorders will be
discussed and analyzed, including sleep related breathing disorders, insomnias,
movement disorders, parasomnias, hypersomnias and sleep disorders associated with
medical or psychiatric disorders. We will discuss the signs and symptoms of these
disorders, the polysomnographic features of the disorders and possible treatment options.
Prerequisite: Admission to the program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: As needed.
1107 Neuroanatomy & Physiology
This course is designed to identify the basic anatomy of the CNS and peripheral nervous
system. We will explore the mechanism of nerve impulse transmission and the various
neurotransmitters involved in impulse transmission. This course will help students
understand the neurophysiology behind the sleep and wake cycles, and how this may help
us in our identification/treatment of various sleep disorders.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: Admission into the program.
Offered: On demand.