Occupational Therapy Assistant students must have a minimum grade of C in each OTA
8. Physical Therapist Assistant Recipients. In addition to College graduation requirements,
Physical Therapist Assistant students must have a minimum grade of C in each Physical
Therapist Assistant course.
9. Respiratory Care Recipients. In addition to College graduation requirements, Respiratory
Care students must have a minimum grade of C in each Respiratory Care course.
10. Histologic Technology Recipients. In addition to College graduation requirements students
must have a minimum grade of C in each required MLTS course.
11. All Radiologic Science courses must have a minimum grade of C or higher to graduate.
12. Additional Degree Recipients. Any student seeking a second associate degree must complete
an additional 18 hours beyond those presented for the first degree.
13. Honors Recipients. Special recognition is accorded students who satisfy the following
conditions of scholarship based on all college work attempted at Darton State College.
(a) Cum Laude - a grade point average of 3.40.
(b) Magna Cum Laude - a grade point average of 3.65.
(c) Summa Cum Laude - a grade point average of 3.85.
14. DART 1000 must be passed with a C.
15. Radiologic Science Recipients. In addition to College graduation requirements, Radiologic
Science students must have a minimum grade of C in each Radiologic Science course.
The College awards certificates upon successful completion of certain programs. The
grade point average required for a student to receive a college credit program certificate is
a minimum of 2.00 for all courses presented for the certificate.
In 1972, The Board of Regents created a policy stating each institution of the University System of
Georgia shall assure the other institutions, and the System as a whole, students obtaining a degree
from that institution possess literacy competence, that is, certain minimum skills of reading and
Beginning with the Summer 2011 semester, Darton State College students seeking a degree no
longer have to take the Regents’ Test in order to graduate. Darton State College was granted
Regents’ Test exemption status; this means the skills measured by the Regents’ Test are measured
within the core curriculum. Specifically, at Darton State College, a student whose guided pathway
would require passing the Regents’ Test is considered to have met the Regents’ Testing requirements
by earning a grade of C or better in both ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102. A student who takes ENGL
1101 and/or ENGL 1102 and does not earn a C or better is required to re-enroll in the class the
following semester. The student will also be required to complete the Intensive Composition and
Reading Review workshop concurrently with the repeated ENGL 1101/ENGL 1102 course.
For more information, a student should contact his/her academic advisor or the Writing Center
Writing is an integral skill that is required for all careers and professions. Because students need to
be proficient writers, Darton State College is committed to ensuring that students who attend Darton
State College have the competencies and skills necessary to properly and effectively communicate
with the written word. One way to ensure that students are exposed to writing throughout their
college experience is to incorporate
Writing Across the Curriculum
as a required component in
each course. Every syllabus for each course taught, including online courses, must have a writing
assignment. Instructors are free to choose how the writing component will be incorporated and are
also free to make individual decisions about how the assignment will be graded and what percentage
the assignment(s) will count with regard to the final grade of a student. Examples of ways to