Performing Ensemble Requirement:
MUSC 1070 and
College Orchestra I and
MUSC 2070
College Orchestra II
MUSC 1080 and
College Concert Band I and
MUSC 2080
College Concert Band II
MUSC 1090 and
College Choir I and
MUSC 2090
College Choir II
Area G: COURSES REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE ABOVE 60 HOURS ....................4-8
Physical Education – **Three PE courses; at least one to meet the Fitness Competency
Two-Year Total
*Critical Thinking Overlay-All Students must satisfy the critical thinking overlay. This
requirement must be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of one of the following courses. This
competency is usually satisfied in Area B or C.
COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication
COMM 1100 Human Communications
COMM 1110 Public Speaking
**See AREA G of the Core Curriculum for fitness competency requirement.***A B.A. degree at some institutions in the University System of Georgia requires foreign
language credit through the intermediate level. A B.S. degree at some institutions in the
University System of Georgia requires foreign language through the first intermediate course.
Piano and Sight Singing/Ear Training proficiency skills for transfer students must be attained
before graduation. Piano and Sight Singing/Ear Training classes may be taken for more than
the required 2 hours to meet the proficiency requirements.
Four-year music programs expect music transfer students to have participated in at least 4
semesters of applied study, 4 semesters of ensembles, and to have attained keyboard skills,
skills in written theory, aural dictation, and sight-singing before transferring into the junior
year of a Baccalaureate program.
Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J