I. Military Resource Center
The Office of Military and Adult Education, located in the Student Center, room 103,
promotes college completion for adult learners and military personnel.
1. Adult Learning
Darton State College recognizes both the challenges and experiences adult learners bring
to higher education. Through the facilitation of a range of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
options, Darton provides adult learners an opportunity to attain college-level credit for life and
work experience. The Office of Military and Adult Education also offers a variety of support
resources to maximize student achievement. To contact the Office of Military and Adult
Education, please call (229) 317-6538.
2. Military Resource Center
The Military Resource Center provides individually tailored resource guidance for military
students, to include active-duty, reservists, veterans, and family members. The mission of
the Military Resource Center is to provide student support services that enhance and
compliment the academic experience of our military students. Through information and
referral, outreach, and opportunities for involvement, the Center strives to provide a
supportive and educational environment that promotes student success. The Center also
advises the Military Student Organization and chairs a Military Outreach Committee,
composed of appointed faculty, staff, and students who review and recommend military
friendly policies at Darton. The Military Resource Center is dedicated to helping our past,
present, and future military members, along with their families, achieve their higher education
goals. For more information, please contact the Military Resource Center at (229) 317-6538
r military@darton.edu .J. First Year Experience
Also called DART 1000, this course is designed to assist first-year students in adjusting to
the academic and social community at Darton State College.
1. All degree-seeking students who have less than 12 earned hours must take DART
2. Students who have at least 12 hours of earned college credit will not be required
to take FYE. This includes all previous coursework, transfer credit, AP credit, or
CLEP exams.
3. Students enrolled in certificate programs are not required to take FYE. Should
they transfer to a degree program and have less than 12 hours, they will be
required to take FYE.
4. Students who do not pass FYE with at least a C will be required to retake the
course in the following semester, regardless of hours earned.