Section Seven
Other Student Support Services include the Academic Computer Support, Instructional
Support Labs, Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Services, Library, Military
Opportunities, and Veterans’ Services.
A. Academic Computer Support
Technology Services operates the computer labs and computer classrooms on campus
to provide students and faculty the support necessary for the academic programs. Darton
recognizes the dynamic changes in the computer industry and offers services using the latest
in technology within its reach. In addition to hundreds of PCs in the labs and classrooms,
Technology Services operates several systems, including Windows, UNIX, LINUX Servers,
as well as, ORACLE databases, in a networked environment with internet connection to
thousands of sites around the globe. Web-based courses are supported for distance
learning, while many faculty maintain web pages as adjuncts to their courses.
The College encourages students to be competent in the use of computers. Competence
is defined as the ability to use computers in analyzing and solving problems in order to
increase productivity. All students are provided an e-mail account and networked storage
space during their first term of enrollment.
MyDC is Darton State College’s web portal – students can check their campus email
account, view and save appointments on their personal calendars, receive reminders about
important class and campus events, check their grades, register for classes, and pay their
fees through Banner Web.
Technology Services supervises a central computer lab of over 70 computers and 4
printers available to students. Windows 7 is installed on each Pentium-class PC with Office
2007 Professional, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Visual Studio, and
other software required for classes; also, Apple McIntosh computers running Mac OSX. A
worker, usually a student, will be in the lab during all open hours to assist in using the
computers. The lab worker is not responsible for helping students with their homework
B. Instructional Technology
Technology Services staff and facilities, along with the Online Learning Division, support
the design, development, and production of instructional content. The division also facilitates
the integration of instructional technology into traditional academic settings, distance learning
initiatives, and community enrichment programs. Instructional technology is implemented
across the curriculum through the use of multimedia courseware and content, web-based
instructional materials and activities, and other appropriate presentation technologies.
Faculty and staff development, one-on-one faculty support, technical assistance, and
helpdesk support are also available.
C. Instructional Support Labs
Darton State College instructional support labs offer academic support to students
seeking assistance in writing, information literacy, mathematics, and foreign language. Each
lab provides a stress-free environment that supports college curriculum and methodology,
and each offers alternative tutorials that address diverse learning styles. The labs offer
students one-on-one tutoring conferences or small group sessions on particular skill areas.
In addition, professional administrative staff is available to assist with special concerns and
to provide expertise in related fields. Each lab offers access to computer technology,