Online Transfer Plans of Study and Programs
Darton offers online courses in a wide variety of program areas, and online offerings are
continually expanding. Darton currently offers a variety of degrees, transfer program options,
and certificates that can be completed exclusively online. Many more may be completed
partially online. Se
e http://online.darton.edufor the complete listing of online programs. See
http://online.darton.edu/Courses/for individual courses offered online. Online classes follow
the same semester schedule as on-campus classes (see Academic Term Calendars at
www.darton.edu/calendars for significant dates.) Online courses at Darton State College are
provided through the GaView learning environment. These are multimedia enriched and
instructor-led courses, not independent study correspondence courses. Some online classes
require proctored exams and other resources that may cost the student additional fees.
Students may view which courses have these requirements a
t http://online.darton.edu- click
Additional Course Fees. Students living at-a-distance may arrange for exam proctoring
http://www.darton.edu/ProctoredTestingPolicies Beginning Summer 2014 term all proctored
testing will be performed at one of Darton State College’s campus sites or through Proctor U
online. The use of Proctor U will require a computer (not mobile device), webcam and
microphone. The fee for Proctor U is the responsibility of the student and varies dependent
on the length of the exam. Off-campus computer hardware, software, and Internet access
are the responsibility of the student. Please note that while some portions of an online class
may be completed using a mobile device, other options are not available and students should
have access to a computer to complete online courses. Initial online advisement inquiries
can be made by calling (229) 317-6241.
Video Conferencing Courses (Two-way)
Selected credit courses are offered by two-way interactive video conferencing. These
courses allow students to enroll in Darton classes, and participate in instructional activities
originating at distant institutions while attending class on the Darton Campus. These
classrooms are outfitted with microphones, which enable the class atmosphere and
interaction to be similar to a traditional classroom. Participants at the host and recipient
locations are able to see one another by way of a video connection.
Video Streaming Courses (One-way)
Darton offers a few courses through one-way video streaming. This technology allows
select courses to be video streamed from the Darton main campus to a satellite location.
Therefore, students at the recipient locations are able to see and hear the class and the
instructor. However, unlike two-way video conferencing, video streaming is not interactive
since audio capabilities are unidirectional. Inquiries must be communicated with the
instructor via email or phone.
F. Library
The Harold B. Wetherbee Library/Learning Resources Center combines traditional
library services with the latest in technology. Facilities and equipment for the utilization of all
types of media regardless of format are provided. By design and function, the activities of
the Library support academic programs and services.
The mission of the Wetherbee Library/Learning Resources Center is to procure,
organize and provide to the eligible citizens of Southwest Georgia learning resources that
support educational programs, services and/or leisure interests. The Wetherbee Library is
committed to excellence in providing and maintaining a range of quality
resources/services/facilities that provide educational, cultural, social, physical, personal and
professional growth for a diversity of students both on and off campus.
The library promotes distance education, individual and classroom use of these
resources through an automated library system, GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries)