1300 Introduction to Computer Science
This class provides a foundation in major computing topics such as (but not limited
to) computer architecture and operating systems, networks including the Internet,
numbering systems, data representation, file structures and software engineering.
An introduction to systems analysis, design and implementation is included via
hands-on programming projects.
Prerequisite: MATH 1001 or higher, or consent of Division Dean.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1301 Computer Science I
This is an introduction to fundamentals of object-oriented programming. The
course includes an overview of computers and programming. It also includes
simple data types; arithmetic and logical operations, selection structures, repetition
structures, and array (one dimensional.)
Prerequisite: CSCI 1300, CSCI 1150, MATH 1112 or MATH 1113 or MATH 1151
or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: On demand.
1302 Computer Science II
This is a continuation of CSCI 1301. The course includes an overview of abstract
data types (ADTs); arrays (Two-dimensional and multi-dimensional), data
structures such as strings, binary files; recursion and linked lists, software
engineering concepts; dynamic data structures (stacks, queues, trees). It includes
the fundamentals of the object-oriented paradigm (classes, objects, encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism.)
Prerequisite: CSCI 1301 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: On demand.
2200 Internet Technologies
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the tools and skills required
for both client and server side programming, teaching students how to develop
platform independent sites using current Web development technology. Essential
programming exercises are presented using a manageable progression.
Corequisites: None.
Prerequisite: Completion or exemption of all learning support requirements.
Offered: On demand.
2235 Database Management Systems
This course will study database management theory and practice. Experience with
designing, creating and using databases will be gained through hands-on projects
using software packages such as Microsoft Access. This course is also listed as
COPR 2235.
Prerequisite: CISM 2201 with a grade of “C” or better or permission of instructor.
Offered: On demand.