COMM 2230 Introduction to Mass Communication
This course is the same as JOUR 1100. Introduction to mass communication is a
survey of the field of mass communication, including newspapers, magazines,
radio, television, cable television, and public relations and advertising, with
emphasis on the historical development, current practices and future trends of
these media.
This course DOES NOT meet the oral communication competency requirements.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
COMM 2235 News Writing
This course is the same as JOUR 1110. Introductory course in writing for the mass
media, with emphasis on gathering, writing, and reporting for newspapers and
broadcast media.
This course DOES NOT meet the oral communication competency requirements.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101.
Offered: Fall.
COPR 1114 Facilitating Learning Online
This course is designed for faculty and future teachers who are or may be
facilitating online courses. This course demonstrates and shares a spectrum of
online learning concepts, theories, and principles using interactive and
collaborative experiences. It is designed to improve the facilitation skills of faculty
members who offer online courses in higher education and is focused on theory,
concepts, and practices for effective online facilitation. Credit for graduation may
be received only for COPR 1114 or COPR 1131. COPR 1114 and COPR 1131
are related courses; credit may not be received for both.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: On demand.
COPR 1122 Introduction to Instructional Technology
A course designed to introduce the student to the use of computers, software and
the Internet in the online academic setting. This course will offer a survey of the
theory of instructional design and the use of the computer as an instructional tool.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: On demand.
COPR 1123 Web-based Tools and Applications for Education
A course designed to introduce the student to the selection, creation, utilization
and evaluation of web-based tools in the online classroom environment. Students
will learn how to evaluate and select web-based tools and applications for use in
the online classroom as well as how to implement and utilize applications in the
online classroom setting.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: On demand.