1110 EMS Systems and Operations
This course includes material from the Preparatory, Public Health, and Operations
Modules of the current National EMS Education Standard. It is designed to provide
the student with comprehensive knowledge of EMS systems, workforce safety and
wellness, medical/legal and ethical issues, and knowledge of operational roles and
responsibilities which are intended to ensure and improve the health and safety of
EMS personnel, patients, and the community. Topics covered in this course are:
EMS systems, research, workplace safety and wellness, documentation,
communication, medical/legal and ethics, public health, principles of operating a
ground ambulance, air medical, crime scene, incident management, hazardous
materials awareness, and terrorism/disaster response.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the EMS program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
1111 Essentials of EMS
This course includes material from the Preparatory and Assessment Modules of
the current National EMS Education Standard. It is designed to provide the student
with comprehensive knowledge patient assessment techniques. Topics covered in
this course are: Therapeutic communications, history taking, and a body systems
approach to the physical exam. Other topics included are: IV therapy, individual
health risk assessment, and unique aspects of pediatric, geriatric, and psychiatric
evaluation are discussed.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the EMS program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.
1112 Psychiatric Emergencies
This course includes materials from the Medical Module of the current National
EMS Education standard. Topics include mental health and illness, psychiatric
terminology and medications, mental status examination, suicide and homicide
assessment, substance abuse assessment, domestic violence, spouse and child
abuse, rape, death and dying, interview techniques and effective listening and
communication skills.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the EMS program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.
1113 Pharmacology
This course includes and expands upon the material from the Pharmacology and
Venous Access and Medication Administration Sections of the National
Emergency Medical Services Education Standards. It includes basic units on drug
information, drug actions, weights and measures, and medication administration.
It also includes advanced units on systemic pharmacology and therapeutics of
drugs affecting the central and autonomic nervous systems, cardiovascular
system, respiratory system, hematologic system, renal system, endocrine system,
gastrointestinal system, and immune system. It concludes with a unit on the
paramedic drug box contents, maintenance, and administration
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the EMS program.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.