1110 Deep Water Exercise
Involves cardiovascular and muscular endurance training through water resistance
exercises. Includes information on why such training is needed, how it is
accomplished, and what results can be expected. All exercises are done with
flotation equipment. Includes orientation to Darton State College Fitness Center.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1112 Hip Hop
Hip Hop is a dance style, mainly street dance styles, danced to hip hop music, or
that has evolved as a part of the hip hop culture. The first and original dance
associated with hip hop is breakdance.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Every semester.
1115 Step Aerobics I
Emphasis is on cardiovascular endurance, muscle conditioning, and flexibility
development. Continuous exercise is combined with music. Includes orientation
to Darton State College Fitness Center.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1116 Step Aerobics II
Emphasis is on cardiovascular endurance, muscle conditioning, and flexibility
development. Designed to improve upon the skills and fitness knowledge of
Aerobics I.
Prerequisite: PHED 1115.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1120 Baseball Techniques and Strategy
Practical experience in fundamental skills and techniques, team play & strategy.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: On demand.
1121 Softball
An introduction to the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to play softball.
Includes instruction in batting, fielding, throwing, basic strategies, and rules.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1122 Basketball
An introduction to the fundamental skills & knowledge necessary to play basketball.
Includes instruction in passing, dribbling, shooting, basic strategies, & rules.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1123 Aerobic Pump
This course is designed to work the entire body using barbells with adjustable
weights to music. Beginning with a general warm up, participants are led through
a series of exercises including squats, presses, lifts and curls. The focus is on
correct lifting techniques using light to moderate weights and high repetitions.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.