2306 Lighting Design for the Stage
This course will introduce the student to the fundamental elements of lighting
design. Through discussion of lighting equipment (dimming and fixtures) and
accessories (color medium, projeciton patterns, effect generators), technique and
style, the student will gain basic knowledge of stage lighting and its impact on
theatrical production.
Prerequisite: THEA 2100.
Offered: Fall.
2312 Sound Design for Theatre
This course will acquaint the student with the process of sound design for theatrical
production. Basic instruction will deal with the equipment and technique necessary
to reproduce sound effects and background music for the stage.
Prerequisite: THEA 2100.
Offered: On demand.
THEA 2315 Computer Applications for Theatre
This course will provide the student with an overview of computer applications as
they relate to theatre production. CAD for stage design and computer enhanced
stage equipment will be discussed.
Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Technical Theatre Program or by permission of
Offered: On demand.
2500 Production Workshop
This course enables students to collaborate as a production team to present one
or more plays in public performance. Fundamental theories of play selection,
casting, scheduling, budgeting, design choices, and publicity, stage management
and rehearsal techniques will be applied to the process of play production.
Prerequisite: THEA 1100 or THEA 1105 or permission of the instructor.
Offered: Spring.
THEA 2540 Introduction to Performance
An introduction to the field of performance studies and the performance of non-
dramatic texts. The construction of solo performance pieces from dialogues,
narrative, ethnography and literature is the primary focus of the course.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: Spring.