Students who desire to change their program of study should discuss their intentions with
their academic advisors. The Registrar must approve all changes in program of study. To
facilitate the change, students should complete a Change of Plan of Study form with their
advisor or division administrative assistant.
Learning Support Course Requirements
- When placement test scores indicate that
students may not be able to attain their educational goals in one or more of the basic skills
areas, they are required to enroll in the appropriate Learning Support courses prior to
enrollment in the college-level basic skills courses. Currently, COMPASS test scores below
74 in reading, 60 in English, below 37 in Algebra for students whose program of study
requires MATH 1001, or below 47 in Algebra for students whose program of study requires
MATH 1111 will require one or more Learning Support classes in each area of deficiency.
Learning Support courses are ENGL 0989, Foundations for English Composition; ENGL
0999, Support for English Composition; MATH 0987, Foundations for Quantitative
Reasoning; MATH 0997, Support for Quantitative Reasoning; MATH 0989, Foundations for
College Algebra; and MATH 0999, Support for College Algebra.
Students must take Learning Support courses required of their curriculum. Students must
register for
required Learning Support courses
registering for any credit work.
Students are permitted to enroll in credit courses (1) if they have completed or are enrolled
in all their Learning Support courses, and (2) if the Learning Support course is not a
A student who accumulates thirty semester college credit hours and has
not successfully completed required Learning Support courses may enroll only in
Learning Support courses until requirements are successfully completed.
Learning Support Format
- All Learning Support courses offer special instruction
designed to correct students’ basic skills deficiencies; such deficiencies are identified through
placement and diagnostic testing. To exit a Learning Support area, students must satisfy the
instructional requirements of the associated credit-bearing college course. For instance,
students who are enrolled in learning support English will exit learning support after the
student has successfully passed ENGL 1101. Mathematics, Information Literacy and Writing
Centers are open both day and night for individual assistance for students with specific
problems. These centers have both directors and student assistants for tutorial services at
no additional cost to the student.
Learning Support Course Credits
- Students who successfully complete these courses
will be awarded institutional college credit. Credit hours earned in Learning Support courses
will be in addition to those required for graduation.
Veterans of more than one year of active military service may be given credit for four (4)
courses of health or physical education upon presentation of Form DD 214 to the Registrar’s
Office. Veterans must make this request before enrolling in a health or physical education
Additional college credit may be awarded for military course completion after review of the
applicant’s military service transcript if it is determined to be equivalent to courses offered by
the institution. Students should initiate review by submitting the appropriate military transcript
(AARTS, SMART, CCAF, or CGI) to either the Admissions Office or the Registrar’s Office,
respective of student status.