Students wishing to appeal the initial review of their military transcript are encouraged to
request a secondary review to either the Admissions Office or the Registrar’s Office,
respective of student status. The respective office will forward the secondary review to the
appropriate dean.
Programs for academically superior students attending Darton State College consist of the
Honors Program and Credit by Exam for the acceptance of Advanced Placement (AP) credit.
These programs are under the direction of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Each
program is described below:
Honors Program
- Students with a strong academic background in high school and/or
college work are encouraged to apply for admission to the Darton State College Honors
Program. Application forms for the Honors Program are available from the Honors Program
Coordinator or the Admissions Office. Because enrollment is limited, students are
encouraged to make application by August 1 for Fall Semester. Late applications are
accepted on a space available basis.
The Honors Program offers special academic classes to prepare students for admission
to competitive programs of study at senior colleges and universities, and for positions of
leadership and responsibility in their chosen career. Students also enjoy special social and
enrichment opportunities that foster personal growth and friendships. Active participants in
the program receive Honors Day Recognition and a stipend of $200 per semester.
The program offers two levels of achievement – Scholar and Sage.
Scholar – Students at this level need to complete
courses with an A
or a B. Students must also maintain an overall 3.0 Darton G.P.A. A
certificate is awarded to Scholar students.
Sage – Students at this level need to complete
courses with an A or a
B. Students must also maintain an overall 3.0 Darton G.P.A. A medallion,
wall plaque, and transcript which says “Honors Program Graduate” are
awarded to Sage students.
A Leadership Development class is mandatory for both levels.
Students at both levels are required to participate in cultural, community and
leadership activities each semester.
Students at both levels will be recognized on Honors Day.
For more information about the Honors Program, please contact the Honors Program
Coordinator at 229-317-6926.
Students who are not part of the Honors Program and have at least a 3.0 GPA, can also
enroll in honors classes.
The general sequence of honor courses offered at Darton:
COMM 1110
Public Speaking
PHIL 1010
Critical Thinking
ENGL 1101
English Composition I
HIST 2112
U.S. History after 1877
HLTH 1163
Personal Health (online)
ENGL 1102
English Composition II
HIST 1112
Survey of World History II
LEAD 1101**
Leadership Development