10. All PTA students are required to purchase uniforms as specified by clinical sites and a clinical
kit, which includes a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, goniometer, and other commonly
needed clinical items.
11. In order to successfully complete the clinical practicums and work effectively as a PTA,
students are required to possess the following functional abilities and critical skills:
A. Able to stand, walk on all surfaces, stoop, bend, kneel, crouch, and sit for long periods of
B. Able to maintain good balance to assist with gait and transfer training.
C. Able to lift, push, pull, and carry objects weighting up to fifty pounds.
D. Able to reach above and below the waist.
E. Able to manually, auditorially, and visually operate and/or manipulate wheelchairs, mobile
aids, ambulation devices, instrumentation, and equipment.
F. Able to visually and cognitively recognize changes in a patient's condition.
G. Able to effectively communicate with patients and relay information about a patient
verbally and in writing.
H. Able to wear appropriate protective equipment and to tolerate unsightly, noxious
I. Able to manage physical, emotional, and mental stress effectively.
J. Able to tolerate others’ value systems, morals, cultures and religions, which may be
different from your own.
K. Able to exhibit professional behavior and ethical conduct in a clinic and classroom.
L. Able to problem solve rapidly, demonstrate the ability to learn and reason, and to integrate,
analyze, and synthesize date concurrently.
M. Able to multi-task in multiple settings.
Re-Admission of Returning Students:
Any student who fails a PTA course will not be able to progress to the next semester of PTA courses.
If this is the student’s first failure, the student may re-apply to the PTA Program for the following
year. Students will be readmitted only when there is space available. The student must re-apply and
will be ranked along with all program applicants based on the admission criteria. The readmitted
student must retake all coursework beginning in the first semester of the professional phase. If the
student fails for a second time, it will result in permanent dismissal from the program without chance
of re-admission.
For additional Health Sciences Division policies that apply to this program, please refer to Academic Regulations, Section R, Background Check Depending on your enrollment status, you may be required to take DART 1000, “First Year Experience.” Please refer to Section 7 Academic Support Services Paragraph J