Documentation of at least 40 hours of observational experience in one or more
physical therapy settings. Hours should be verified by the signature of a
physical therapist or a physical therapist assistant on the “Observational
Hours/Recommendation Form” found in the application packet.
TEAS V scores
One class per year will be selected and will begin each Fall Semester. Incomplete application packets
and/or applications received after June 1 may not be considered. Preliminary selection criteria,
including GPA and observational hours completed, are ranked by the PTA Selection Committee. All
applicants who meet the admission criteria will be invited for a personal interview. Offers of
acceptance will be made based on the final ranking of those interviewed.
Due to the fact prerequisites for Physical Therapy programs are different, graduation from a PTA
program is not a “stepping-stone” and will not prepare the student for entry into a Physical Therapy
professional education program. Students wishing to pursue a career as a physical therapist should
enroll in an Associate of Science in Core Curriculum.