Bachelor of Science Degree
in Organizational Leadership
The online Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership will focus on the practices,
theories, issues, parameters, and specific ramifications of organizational leadership. The program is
ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online course delivery but also
for working professionals, military members, transfer students and others seeking alternative routes to
degree completion.
The Organization Leadership degree has options that allow adults to earn college credits for
knowledge gained from a variety of work experiences, professional training, military service and
professional certificate programs. These experiences may be documented through transcripts from the
American Council on Education (ACE), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or
presented in a portfolio that contains sufficient information and documentation to affirm college-level
learning. Students in the program will be able to select a concentration in one of the following areas:
• Health Care Administration
• Legal Office Administration
• Office Administration and Technology
• Public Service Administration
• Spanish for Professionals for ESOL Instruction