Section Ten
– The following list of courses shows the responsible academic division, course number,
course title, number of semester hours credit, course description, prerequisite, if any, and frequency
of offering. The courses are arranged alphabetically followed by the course number.
– Course numbers (Example: ENGL 1101) are in two distinct parts. The
department code (ENGL) is derived from the name of the instructional department,
usually the letters from the name. In the course number (1101) the first digit of the
number signifies first or second year level. The numbers in parentheses following the
course title specifies the amount of contact and credit hours (in semester hours), which
the course will yield upon successful completion (lecture-lab-credit).
Transferability of Courses –
The Core Curriculum of the University System of Georgia
provides for the transferability of those courses which are part of the Core Curriculum
Plan. The courses developed for the one- and two-year career programs have been
designed to give the student the best possible background needed for employment in the
career. Therefore, some of the following do not offer comparable programs and courses.
If in doubt, students should discuss the matter with the advisor or the other institution
Learning Support Prerequisites –
Students who are placed in Learning Support courses
because of their scores on the Admission and Placement Tests will be required to satisfy
specific developmental requirements before they can enroll in the college level courses
(courses numbered 1000 or higher). The minimum developmental level required for
admission into any college level course is listed as a prerequisite in the course
ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting I
A study of the underlying theory and application of financial accounting concepts.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in: MATH 1001 or higher math course OR
permission of instructor.
Offered: All semesters.
ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting II
A study of the underlying theory and application of managerial accounting concepts.
Prerequisite: ACCT 2101 with grade of “C” or better.
Offered: All semesters.
ALHE 1104 Introduction to Disease Conditions
The basic pathology of common disease conditions is examined. The effect of disease on
each body system is studied, emphasizing etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention,
occupational therapy treatment methods and precautions. The effects of pathology of
disease across life-span occupational performance is presented.
Corequisites: OTAS 1100, OTAS 1105, OTAS 1111, ALHE 1120.
Prerequisite: Admission into the OTA program.
Offered: Fall.