1030 Design II
This course is an investigation of three-dimensional forms and space using various
materials and methods. In this course, students will demonstrate their ability to invent
imaginative and conceptual complex sculptures in response to a series of studio problems
using hand-building and simple materials.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
ART 1100 Art Appreciation
Development of an awareness and understanding of the visual arts through studio and
classroom experiences, gallery visits, and lectures. ART 1100 and FIAR 2250 are related
courses; only one can count toward graduation.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
1150 Art Practicum
A studio course designed for the student who has advanced beyond the basic art structure
courses and wishes to explore various media in order to develop skills, techniques, and a
higher level of expertise.
Prerequisites: Completion of ART 1010, ART 1020, ART 1030, ART 2111, ART 2120,
ART 2130, ART 2140, ART 2150, ART 2160, ART 2170, ART 2180,or ART 2210 and
permission of instructor or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: All semesters.
2111 Basic Photography
Instruction in fundamentals of black/white still photography: camera technique, exposure
determination methods, film processing. Special assignments in visual perception,
editing, and theme photography. (Previously ART 1110)
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
2120 Painting
Acrylic Painting. An introduction to the fundamentals of painting related to subject
matter, content, composition, and color. Preparation of supports and grounds, and use of
basic painting tools, techniques, and materials will be stressed.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.
2130 Watercolor
Fundamentals of watercolor techniques, drawing, principles of composition, and color
theory. Landscape, still life, figure, and abstract studies.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
2140 Ceramics I
This studio course involves the development of personal expression using the ceramic
process. The course will examine the many processes of ceramics production such as
hand forming, throwing on the wheel, glaze application, and firing.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.