ENGL 3405 Professional and Technicial Writing – eMajor only
This course will introduce students to basic ethical and rhetorical concepts that govern a
multitude of professional and technical situations. Highlighting the importance of the
writing process, this course will concentrate on the fundamentals within professional
writing communities in order to train students in effective and persuasive communication.
Students will gain intensive practice in composing powerful audience-driven documents
such as letters, memos, and job application materials, as well as instructions and formal
reports. Covering a wide range of business principles- from gathering data through
primary and secondary research to the planning and organizing of workplace genre sets-
this course provides practical advice regarding the professional standards that students
will encounter in their future careers. Moreover, students will learn to craft effective
presentations supported with appropriate documentary and visual aids as they collaborate
on technical research and reporting projects with peers.
1111 Engineering Graphics
This course is an introduction to graphic communication and engineering design. It
includes orthographic, sectional, and auxiliary views, working drawings, dimensioning,
three dimensional drawings, surface and solid modeling, and descriptive geometry. The
AutoCAD software will be utilized in the laboratory.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scorse to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall.
2201 Engineering Statics & Dynamics
This course covers the principles of statics and dynamics in two and three dimensions
which includes the equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of structures and machines,
friction, kinetics and kinematics of rigid bodies, work-energy principle, linear impulse-
linear momentum principle and mechanical vibrations of rigid bodies.
Prerequisite: PHYS 2211K.
Offered: Spring.
2202 Environmental Science – eCore only
This course is an interdisciplinary course integrating principles from biology, chemistry,
ecology, geology, and non-science disciplines as related to the interactions of humans and
their environment. Issues of local, regional, and global concern will be used to help
students explain scientific concepts and analyze practical solutions to complex
environmental problems. Emphasis is placed on the study of ecosystems, human
population growth, energy, pollution, and other environmental issues and important
environmental regulations.
Prerequisites: none.
0099 Orientation to American Life and Culture
The ESL Culture class is an orientation course for international students whose native
homeland is not the United States. This course is designed to meet in a traditional
classroom and use class support through GeorgiaVIEW. The class will also utilize text
books, web sites, and group discussions in order to gain understanding and adaptation
skills. This course focuses on American culture, culture shock, day to day life,
adaptation/survival skills, educational systems, and idiomatic expression.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: Any one of the following: ESLL 0070, 0080, 0090, ESLR 0070, 0082,
0092, ESLG 0071, 0081, 0091, 0095.
Offered: On demand.