2140 Pathology for the Imaging Professional
Content is designed to introduce the student to concepts related to disease and etiological
considerations. Pathology and disease as they relate to various radiographic procedures
are discussed with emphasis on radiographic appearance of disease and impact on
exposure factor selection. Topics include: fundamentals of pathology, trauma/physical
injury and systematic classification of disease.
Prerequisites: RADS 1000, ALHE 1120, BIOL 1100K.
Offered: Summer.
2150 Radiologic Science Review
Provides a review of basic knowledge from previous courses and helps the student
prepare for national certification examinations for radiographers. Topics include: image
production and evaluation, radiographic procedures, anatomy, physiology, pathology, and
terminology, equipment operation and quality control, radiation protection, and patient
care and education.
Prerequisites: RADS 1100, RADS 2060, RADS 2130, RADS 2140, RADS 2250.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
2240 Clinical Imaging IV
Continues to provide students with intermediate learning experience in hospital/clinical
setting. Students continue to develop proficiency in executing procedures introduced in
Radiographic Procedures. Topics include: patient care, radiation safety practices,
behavioral and social competencies, performance and/or observation of minor special
procedures, special equipment use and participation in and/or observation of cranial and
facial radiography. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct
and indirect supervision. Competencies and evidence of continued competencies will
continue to be obtained.
Prerequisite: RADS 1230.
Corequisite: RADS 2060.
Offered: Spring.
2250 Clinical Imaging V
Advanced clinical learning experiences are obtained as students continue to develop
proficiency in executing procedures introduced in Radiographic Procedures. Topics
include: sterile techniques, participation in and/or observation of minor special
procedures, special equipment use, and genitourinary system procedures, participation in
and/or observation of cranial and facial radiography and competency completion
evaluation. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and
indirect supervision. Competencies and evidence of continued competencies will
continue to be obtained.
Prerequisite: RADS 2240.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.