A Darton State College student who wishes to enroll temporarily in another college or university
must obtain prior permission to do so and should request a letter of authorization be sent to the
Director of Admissions of that college or university. The Darton State College Registrar may grant
the permission and issue the letter of authorization. Students requesting transient permission must
have exited learning support and have at least a 2.0 GPA and request courses as part of their
curriculum at Darton State College. Credit earned while in a transient status may be transferred back
to Darton State College provided such credit carries a grade of “C” or better and satisfies curricular
requirements. It is the student's responsibility to request a transcript of credits be sent back to Darton
State College.
At the beginning of each semester, students are classified as follows: freshman, sophomore, junior or
senior. Students who have earned fewer than 30 semester hours of college credit are classified as
freshmen. A student must have successfully earned 30 semester hours of college credit to be
changed to sophomore status. Those students who are enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program
will be classified as juniors at 60 semester hours of earned credit and as seniors when they reach 90
semester hours of earned credit.
Within the accepted bounds of academic freedom and sound educational practice, faculty members
are free to present their subject matter as they deem best. This includes the number and types of tests
and examinations. Faculty is expected, however, to give sufficient evaluation opportunities to arrive
at a fair assessment of the students’ command of the subject. The college designates the final four
days of each semester for final examinations. Most courses will have a final examination.