components are available prior to registering for an online course. Please note while some portions
of an online course may be completed using a mobile device, Darton does not recommend the sole
use of a mobile device to complete online courses. For additional information regarding online
learning, se
e http://online.darton.edu or call 229-317-6241.
Online course access is available to students on the first day of class as noted on Darton’s Academic
Calendar. Access to online coursework ends thirty days after the final day of class. Students are
encouraged to download and make backup copies of all course work prior to this time.
Video Streaming Courses (One-way)
Darton offers a few courses through one-way video streaming. This technology allows select
courses to be video streamed from the Darton main campus to a satellite location. Therefore,
students at the recipient locations are able to see and hear the class and the instructor. However,
unlike two-way video conferencing, video streaming is not interactive since audio capabilities are
unidirectional. Inquiries must be communicated with the instructor via email or phone.
F. Library
The Harold B. Wetherbee Library/Learning Resources Center combines traditional library services
with the latest in technology. Facilities and equipment for the utilization of all types of media
regardless of format are provided. By design and function, the activities of the library support
academic programs and services.
The mission of the Wetherbee Library/Learning Resources Center is to procure, organize and
provide to the eligible citizens of Southwest Georgia learning resources that support educational
programs, services and/or leisure interests. The Wetherbee Library is committed to excellence by
providing and maintaining a range of quality resources/services/facilities which deliver educational,
cultural, social, physical, personal and professional growth for a diversity of students both on and off
The library promotes distance education, individual and classroom use of these resources through an
automated library system, GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries) online catalog, reserve service,
library instruction/information literacy programs, interlibrary loan service, reference service and
various other online services. Access to th
e library homepageis available through the Internet or the
Darton State College Homepage .The
library website includes general information, forms, research
instruction, hyperlinks to suggested research sites on various subjects, GALILEO and GIL (library
catalog). Georgia Library Learning Online (GALILEO) can be accessed through workstations in the
library or through any computer using a web browser. Full text articles in core curriculum journals,
University System of Georgia library catalogs, encyclopedias, eBooks and over 200 electronic
databases are all available through GALILEO. Newspapers, Georgia census data, Digital Library of
Georgia, Georgia state publications and other resources are also available through GALILEO. The
GALILEO initiative connects all libraries electronically and also provides service between System
libraries to support faster turnaround time for interlibrary loans. Universal Borrowing is another
resource sharing initiative through the Library that allows USG patron’s access to circulating
materials at all USG libraries. The Learning Resources Center provides service to students attending
other educational institutions and the general public, provided such service does not interfere with its
obligation to its primary constituents. The Harold B. Wetherbee Library operates under Criteria for
Accreditation established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on
Colleges, the policies of the University System of Georgia and the Rules and regulations of Darton
State College.
The library provides a variety of seating accommodations. Small lounge areas, individual study
carrels, study rooms and study conference or seminar rooms are available in the library. A vending
machine is located in the downstairs study area.
The library has a book collection of over 100,248 volumes, plus a continually changing leased
collection of current recreational reading materials. Audiovisual materials in various formats are