Individuals with Physical, Medical, or Learning Disabilities:
Darton State College complies with
all aspects of the Public Law 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for
accommodating students with documented disabilities. In addition, the University System of
Georgia has established special guidelines for students with learning disabilities. Therefore, students
with disabilities who are requesting accommodations are required to:
a. Provide the Office of Disability Services with a current transcript and current (within the last
three years) documentation verifying the disability. Documentation is defined as the following:
test results; psycho-educational evaluation results; and/or a physician’s diagnosis and
recommendations. Information provided to the Disability Services Office is strictly confidential
and will remain separate from application materials.
b. Complete the voluntary self-disclosure form that will be sent with the letter of acceptance and the
release of information form.
c. Contact the Disability Services Office before taking the COMPASS placement exam, if seeking
d. Work through the Coordinator of Disability Services to arrange any special academic or
scheduling accommodations that may be required.
Students need to be aware the rules of conduct and attendance policies apply to all
students regardless of disabilities.
The Testing Center is located in G-101, next to the Library.
Testing Services:
The Testing Center schedules and administers the COMPASS Admissions and
Placement Tests, the Residual ACT, CLEP tests, VUE certification tests, tests for distance learning
and other ability and achievement tests requiring a testing supervisor. Information is available under
Testing on
Darton’s web site .Students should check with the Testing Center for applicable fees.
Online only students testing for online classes at a distance should follow the policies/procedures
outlined within the specific course. Students are responsible for all costs associated with proctored
testing. See
http://online.darton.edu/– Additional Course Fees, to determine which online courses
require proctored testing.
Beginning Fall-2009 Darton State College has on-campus residential living.
Please see the Darton website for further details.The Vice President for Student Affairs maintains a listing of private
housing that is also available to students.
Students of Darton State College are expected to be mature and responsible citizens at all times and
in all places. Conduct regulations are discussed in detail in the Student Handbook.
The College Health Clinic is located in C-143. Currently, student residents in student housing,
student athletes, and international students pay a fee per semester for Student Health Services. Other
Students may opt to pay the per-semester fee or may pay per visit for services provided. For any
serious accident or illness, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) may be reached at 911.
Limited mental health services are available from the Student Affairs Division. Students who require
more extensive treatment will receive referrals to external resources.
The Peer Tutoring Center is located on the first floor of the Student Center, C-103I. It is open from
8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or in the library after hours. The Peer Tutoring
Center provides free tutoring to Darton students in most areas of study. Students are encouraged to
contact the Tutoring Center Coordinator in C-103 as soon as they experience challenges with their