Students eligible for benefits should complete the appropriate applications available in the Office of
the Registrar located in Bldg. K, Room 101. Applications, supporting documents (i.e., DD-214), and
enrollment verifications are forwarded to the V.A. Regional Office in Atlanta, GA for processing of
Federal law recognizes the student’s social security number as personally identifiable information.
However, the law allows the University System of Georgia to request and use this information
according to federal and state guidelines. Your social security number is required when you apply
for financial aid, for educational tax benefits and employment, and it may be required for other
purposes. Your social security number may be disclosed only under certain circumstances, including
the following:
to other institutional officials
to representatives of state and local educational authorities
in connection with financial aid
for research purposes to improve instruction
to collection agents in connection with university-related business
pursuant to an order from a court of law
other circumstances as required by state or federal law