Transcripts -
Students who have discharged all financial obligations to the college are entitled to
receive, or to have transmitted, transcripts of their academic record. There will be no charge for the
first transcript. A charge of $2 will be made for each additional transcript.
Financial Obligations to the College -
All educational records will be withheld for students who
have a financial obligation to the college. These records will be released when the obligation is
satisfied. Default on repayment of a student loan is an example of such an obligation.
Other Fees -
Information concerning special costs associated with certain career programs in Health
Sciences and Nursing may be found in the description of such programs.
Background Check -
To satisfy joint commission requirements, clinical affiliates of the Health
Sciences and Nursing programs may require students to undergo a criminal background check and
drug screen before accepting them for clinical rotations. Darton State College intends to use a
company called Pre-Check to furnish the required background check. A fee will be assessed in the
first semester of the program. The student signs a release form allowing Pre-Check to conduct the
check. Results of the check released to the program are limited to informing the program the
applicant is “clear.” In the event the report is not “clear”, the student may access and dispute any
incorrect data with Pre-Check. Clinical facilities have the right to refuse a student for clinical
placement. Should a denial of placement occur, the program will attempt to find a different facility;
however, it is not the responsibility of the program or college to find clinical placement for a student
with a record. If a student cannot be placed, they will be unable to satisfy academic progress and will
be dismissed from the program. Students should realize it is very likely all clinical facilities will
have similar requirement.
Eligible Georgia residents 62 years of age or older may enroll for resident academic credit on a
“space available” basis without payment of matriculation fees. Supply fees, laboratory fees, or
activity and athletic fees are the responsibility of the student. Proof of age must be provided.
The refund amount for students withdrawing from the institution shall be based on a pro-rated
percentage determined by dividing the number of calendar days in the semester the student
completed by the total calendar days in the semester. The total calendar days in a semester includes
weekends, but excludes scheduled breaks of five or more days and days a student was on an
approved leave of absence. The unearned portion shall be refunded up to the point in time the
amount equals 60%.
Students who withdraw from the institution when the calculated percentage of completion is greater
than 60%, are not entitled to a refund of any portion of institutional charges. No refunds are issued
for dropping individual courses.
Refunds will be mailed or distributed through direct deposit
No refunds will be made to students who withdraw from the College without filing official
withdrawal forms with the Registrar’s Office; nor will refunds be made to students dropping
individual courses after the last day to register.
Refunds for textbooks are processed through the college bookstore in accordance with policies
published in the Student Handbook.
For fee payment purposes, Darton State College is required, under the guidelines established by the
Regents of the University System of Georgia, to determine the residence classification of all
applicants/students of Darton State College. The following rules have been adopted by the Board of
Regents for this purpose: