etc.), the forms necessary for withdrawal will be initiated by the appropriate college official, and the
students will be notified in writing of the action. Students withdrawn by college action as described
above will automatically receive the grade of “W.”
Students may withdraw from the college with a grade of “W” prior to the mid-semester date. After
this time, a grade of “WF” will be recorded unless the students can provide evidence to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs of extenuating circumstances surrounding the withdrawal.
After the late registration day each semester, students withdrawing from an individual course should
contact their academic advisors for assistance in completing the official drop form. No refunds are
issued for dropping individual courses.
A student may be administratively withdrawn or request to be administratively withdrawn from the
College when in the judgment of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, it is determined the
student suffers from a physical, mental, emotional, or psychological health condition which (a) poses
a significant danger or threat of physical harm to the student or to the person or property of others; or
(b) causes the student to interfere with the rights of other members of the college community or with
the exercise of any proper activities or functions of the college or its personnel; or (c) causes the
student to be unable to meet institutional requirements for admission and continued enrollment as
defined in the student conduct code and other publications of the College. Except in emergency
situations, a student shall upon request be accorded an appropriate hearing prior to a final decision
concerning his or her continued enrollment at the College. A student administratively withdrawn
may have an administrative hold placed on the student’s account. The administrative hold would
prevent the student from future registration until the hold is removed. The removal of the hold is
usually processed after the student provides proper documentation indicating the student is well
enough to return to the college.
At the request of the student, active-duty and reserve military students with orders to deploy will be
removed from their courses for applicable semester with no academic penalty with submission of
their orders to the Registrar’s Office.
During the one-week period immediately following the first day of class, each faculty member
notifies the Office of Registrar of those students on the class roster who have never attended class or
activiely participated in their online course. For more information on the online course attendance
requirements see
http://online.darton.edu Policies & Procedures-Attendance Requirements for
Online Courses. During this one-week period, students will be dropped and the course will not
appear on the student’s permanent academic records. All students must understand if they are not
participating in a required class,
courses will be dropped.
ALSO, up until midterm of “last day to drop without academic penalty,” the faculty member may
withdraw any student who has ceased to participate and the student will receive a grade of ‘W” on
their academic record. After midterm or “last day to drop without academic penalty,” faculty can
continue to withdraw any student who has ceased to participate; however, the student will receive a
grade of “WF” on their academic record.
The student is responsible for understanding a withdrawal or faculty withdrawal may result in loss
of financial aid and failing to properly withdraw from a course may result in receiving a failing
grade of F for that course.