The Math Center is staffed by professionals and student tutors who provide constructive feedback
and one-on-one tutoring in the foundations of problem solving with emphasis on the use of
technology as a problem-solving tool. Computers, printers, calculators and mathematics reference
materials are available for student usage to assist in problem solving and completion of assignments.
The Math Center is open 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fridays in the fall and spring semesters. In the summer, the Math Center is open 7:30 a.m. to 9:00
p.m. Monday through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fridays. For more information, call 317-
6881. The Online Math Center is available for students Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to
10 p.m. (times and days are subject to change.) For more information regarding the Online Math
Center, please visi
t www.darton.edu/MathCenter .D. Distance Learning – Multiple Options
Darton State College offers a variety of distance learning options for students seeking alternatives to
traditional classroom instruction. Students may pursue a variety of courses in the core curriculum
and selected degree programs through online courses, video conferencing, or video streaming.
Registration and admissions for distance learning classes follow the same procedures as for
traditional enrollment at Darton State College. Students are expected to meet regular admissions
deadlines and are eligible to apply and register online after submitting the paperwork
. See Darton State College Admissions Procedures.Online courses at Darton State College are supported by the
Online Learning Division and Technical Services/Helpdesk Department, the Darton State College
Library, the Georgia Library Catalogs, and the Darton State College Bookstore. The Online
Learning web site
, http://online.darton.edu ,provides additional information for online degrees,
courses, and certificate offerings, as well as information on online policies and procedures, and
student support services for online students.
Darton State College provides free technical support for
distance learning through the IT Help Desk. Technical support may be requested by phone (229)
317-6704 (local) or 1-800-861-8318 for students outside the Albany, GA calling area. Online
students may also receive assistance by contacting their Online Support Specialist- see
http://online.darton.edu .Online Degrees, Courses, Certificates and Areas of Interest
Darton has a wide-variety of degree, course, and certificate options available fully at-a-distance and
many more may be completed partially online. For a complete listing of online options see
Online course work follows Darton’s Academic Term Calendar and admission, registration,
drop/add dates, etc. are the same as Darton’s on-campus classes.
( http://www.darton.edu/calendars ).
Online classes at Darton are multimedia enriched, instructor-led courses and are not correspondence
classes. Students will have weekly assignments and deadlines and should expect to log-in to the
online classroom multiple times each week.
Some online courses require proctored testing and other resources may require additional costs
outside of normal tuition, fees, and textbooks. Please chec
k http://online.darton.edu–
Course Fees
prior to registration to review these requirements.
Courses, which require proctored testing, will have specific testing information within the course.
Darton’s Proctored Testing Policy may be found a
t http://online.darton.edu –Policies & Procedures
– Proctored Testing
. Students may test at one of Darton’s campuses (Albany or Cordele) or through
Proctor U. Students must have a webcam, microphone, and stable Internet connection to test
through Proctor U. The student is responsible for all costs associated with proctored testing.
Off-campus computer hardware, software, and Internet access are the responsibility of the student.
Power/Internet outages and software/hardware crashes are not acceptable excuses for failing to log
in and participate in online course work. Students should ensure proper access to all required