Students entering Darton State College for GUIDEDpathways are assured the first two years of
study will apply toward virtually any field of study that may be chosen.
Adoption of a six-area Core Curriculum by the University System of Georgia was implemented
beginning with the Fall Semester, 1998. This new core has enhanced transferability across the
University System. The six areas of the new Core Curriculum are: A--Basic Skills (9 hours); B--
Institutional Options (4 hours); C--Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours); D--Science, Mathematics, and
Technology (11 hours); E--Social Sciences (12 hours); and F-Courses Related to the Program of
Study (18 hours). There will be a total of 60 semester hours of credit in the core, and the 42
semester credit hours of Areas A-E may apply to virtually any field of study. On the following
pages are detailed guided pathways and programs of study specifically offered at this college.
However, preparation for advanced study in any other subject area may be begun with confidence at
Darton State College. Students who intend to pursue a four-year degree, but are uncertain of the
program they wish to follow, should take the General Studies Program until they choose a guided
The following specific provisions are to be adhered to in the implementation of the Core
1. Physical education requirements are to be over and above the Core Curriculum requirements
of 60 hours.
2. Orientation requirements are to be over and above the Core Curriculum requirements of 60
3. Proficiency exemption examination in any of the Core Curriculum courses, when successfully
passed at a home institution, will be honored by the receiving institution and credit accorded.
4. Nothing in this core should be construed to mean that any specific courses must be required.
Rather, the intent of this Core Curriculum is that demonstrated achievement in the core area is
determined by the institution where the core, or the fractional part thereof, is taken.
Each institution is to determine whether its own students satisfy the core requirements. This
determination shall then be honored by all other institutions as satisfying their requirements
as well, if the core is completed. If only a fractional part is completed at the home or initial
institution, the receiving institution shall give full credit for those hours taken but shall
determine which courses will be taken to satisfy its own requirements.
A B.A. degree at some institutions in the University System of Georgia requires foreign
language credit through the intermediate level. A B.S. degree at some institutions in the
University System of Georgia requires foreign language through the first intermediate course.
Students are encouraged to discuss the Core Curriculum with their academic advisors in order to
understand the importance of the Core Curriculum in relation to all guided pathways offered by all
institutions of the University System of Georgia.
(Also see Academic Advising.)