On-Campus Students
Students with the exception of those excluded by program requirements, are required to complete
three (3) courses in health or physical education. One of the three courses must meet the fitness
competency requirement.
The health or physical education requirement is three (3) courses
regardless of the credit awarded in the course. A student must take three courses regardless of
the total number of credit hours accumulated one of the three courses must meet the fitness
competency requirement.
Veterans of more than one year of active military service may be given
credit for four (4) courses of health or physical education upon presentation of Form DD 214 to the
Registrar’s Office; reservists who have completed basic training will be given credit for two (2)
courses of health and physical education. Veterans must make this request before enrolling in a
health or physical education course.
A competency in fitness/wellness will be required of all graduates of Darton State College with
exception of those excluded by program requirements, special contracts, and certificate programs.
The requirement may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of one of the following courses: PHED
1105, Strength Training; PHED 1106, Walk, Jog, Run; PHED 1161, Fitness I; PHED 1139, Fitness
Health and Physical Education courses may not be repeated and will not count towards the required
courses needed for graduation. Classroom health courses may not be repeated.
Since Darton State College does not grant an exemption from physical education for health reasons,
students with a physical disability may satisfy this requirement by completing three health courses.
Students are urged to ask their advisors or one of the physical education instructors if there are any
questions regarding the strenuousness of a physical education course. It is the responsibility of each
student with a physical disability who elects to take an activity physical education course to advise
the instructor of the disability so that proper accommodations can be made.
A student may substitute music performance classes (MUSC 1080 College Band and MUSC 1090
College Choir) for up to two (2) of the physical education requirements.