: The Joint Enrollment Program allows the high school student,
while continuing his/her enrollment in high school, to enroll in courses for college credit.
Tuition, mandatory fees and associated costs of attendance are the responsibility of
the student. The admissions requirements for joint enrollment are the same as those
for the ACCEL Program outlined above.
Joint Enrollment Applicants
(those attending high school who plan to enroll in
courses for college credit only) must provide:
a. Completed Darton State College application for admission along with the non-
refundable $20 application fee
b. An official copy of the high school transcript showing GPA and credits to date
c. An official copy of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or ACT Assessment scores
d. A letter of recommendation from the high school counselor
e. Written consent from a parent or guardian for students under 18 years of age
f. A completed immunization form
g. Satisfaction of verification of lawful presence
Move on When Ready (MOWR)
The Move on When Ready Act permits 11th and 12th grade students to leave their
assigned high schools and attend postsecondary institutions full-time to earn
course credit that will apply towards high school graduation and college.
The Move on When Ready program is intended as another option (not a
replacement) for 11th and 12th graders, in addition to other dual enrollment
The Move on When Ready program is only available to students who are legal
residents of Georgia, entering the 11th or 12th grade, and who spent the prior year
(two consecutive semesters) in attendance at a Georgia public high school.
Minimum admissions requirements for the MOWR program are as follows:
a. Must be a legal resident of Georgia.
b. High school academic GPA of 3.4 or higher in academic courses only.
c. Completion of all of the academic requirements of the 10th grade.
d. Be on track for college preparatory diploma and on track to complete high
school graduation requirements
e. Gain approval from your high school guidance counselor and parents
Students must also submit ACT or SAT test scores that meet the following
minimum standards.
Critical Reading (SAT) / English