areas of this curriculum. All deficiencies must be removed by the time the student
earns 18 semester credit hours. Beginning Fall 2015, courses taken to meet deficiency
requirements must be completed within the first 18 hours of college work. Science
deficiencies may be removed by completing either BIOL 1110 or CHEM 1151; social
science deficiencies may be removed by completing one of the following: HIST 1111
or 1112, HIST 2111, or HIST 2112; foreign language deficiencies may be removed by
completing FREN 1001, SPAN 1001, or JAPN 1001. Grades of “C” or better are
required to satisfy the deficiencies.
is granted to an applicant who cannot submit all
admissions material prior to the printed deadlines. Such acceptance will permit the
student enrollment pending receipt of the missing information. No credits may be
recorded or grades released to students attending under this category until the
student’s admission file is complete.
Darton State College will accept transfer credit from other regionally accredited colleges
and universities. A grade of “C” or better is required, and credit is issued for equivalent
courses in the student’s curriculum at Darton State College. In addition, a maximum of two
courses carrying grades of “D” may be transferred if they satisfy curricular requirements and
if the student's cumulative transfer average is at least 2.00 by the Darton State College
method of computation. No freshman English courses with grades less than “C” may be
A maximum of 42 semester hours of academic work may be transferred to Darton State
College for students applying for an Associate’s Degree. For those students applying for a
Bachelor’s degree, a maximum of 91 semester hours of academic work may be transferred
to Darton State College. A limited number of credits earned by correspondence may be
transferred if they carry satisfactory grades and meet curricular requirements.
For new students, an evaluation of credits accepted in transfer will be furnished to the
students as soon as all transcripts are received by the College. Currently enrolled students
and readmitted students are encouraged to access their unofficial Darton State College
transcript via MyDC for updated transfer credits.
Credit earned by Darton State College students attending other colleges or universities as
transient students will be treated in the same manner as described above.
In accordance with Board of Regents Policy 4.3.4, all applicants who are accepted for
admission or readmission to Darton State College for Fall, 2011 or any academic semester
thereafter, and who seek to be classified as in-state for tuition purposes, will be required to
provide validation of residency and lawful presence in both the State of Georgia and the
United States. Enrollment to Darton State College is conditional until lawful presence is