Laboratory Fee
- A fee of up to $35 is charged to each student registering for a laboratory
science course in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Integrated Science, Physical Science,
Physics, or Science. This fee pays for the required consumable supplies, equipment
maintenance, and specimens used in performing laboratory experiments.
Nursing Fees
– Students enrolled in nursing courses are charged for nursing liability
insurance, clinical skills practice kit and nursing resources which include the following;
testing, all nursing resources, and NCLEX review course.
Physical Education Fees
- A fee of $10 is charged to each student registering for PHED
1137 Basic Sailing, PHED 1108 Leisure Sports, and PHED 1133 Scuba. A fee of $15 is
charged to each student registering for PHED 1219 Introduction to Fly Fishing. A fee of $20
is charged to each student registering for PHED 1143 Beginning Snow Skiing and PHED
1199 Snow Skiing II, PHED 1218 Hunter Safety Education, and PHED 1191 Challenge
Course. A fee of $30 is charged to each student registering for PHED 1171 Bowling I and
PHED 1172 Bowling II; PHED 1185 In Line Skating; PHED 1191 Ropes Course
Management; and PHED 1154 Challenge Course Facilitator Training. A fee of $100 is
charged for Beginning Horsemanship.
Information Technology Fee –
Students will pay a technology fee which allows them
access to campus computers, the Internet, e-mail, and library collections online. The fee is
based on credit hours: 1 = $21.00; 2 = $41.00; 3 or more = $62.00.
Student Activities Fee –
Each student taking credit courses of four (4) hours or more will
be charged a Student Activities Fee of $200 per semester. Students taking credit courses
less than four (4) hours will be charged a Student Activities fee of $150 per semester. Online-
Only students residing outside the Darton State College service area are exempt from the
Student Activities Fee.
Student ID Cards
- All students are entitled to a student ID card. ID cards are made in
the Technology Building during registration hours and during regular office hours when the
campus is open. Those seeking an ID can report to the IT Helpdesk A-153. In order to
maintain and support the ID card system, a $10 fee is charged each semester to all currently
enrolled students. A $20 replacement fee is charged for lost or stolen ID’s.
Online Only Students –
Distance learning students who wish to have a Cavalier
Card may pay the $10.00 ID Card Fee. To do so, contact the Business Office
(229-317-6713) and they will post the charge to your account. You will then be
able to pay the fee by credit card online or through the Business Office directly.
After paying the fee, send a copy of a valid picture ID via email to
IT.ServiceDesk@darton.edu or fax to (229) 317-6604.
However if you do not want to pay the fee and need a document stating you are a current
online student at a distance you may request a letter of enrollment from the Online
t onlineinfo@darton.edu .Parking -
Each student enrolled at the College who drives an automobile to the campus
must obtain a parking permit at the time of registration. There is no charge for this permit,
and the parking fee is included in the Student Services Fee.
Books -
Costs for textbooks and supplies will vary depending upon the number and kinds
of courses taken. Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory Technology, and other Health
Sciences program students will incur higher costs in this area and should seek specific
information from their academic advisors as to probable costs for books and supplies. Other
full-time students may expect to pay approximately $500 per semester for books and