ACED 3000 Intermediate Keyboarding- eMajor Only
Continued emphasis on speed and accuarcy building. Detailed coverage of
business letters, memos, multiple reports, and miscellaneous documents.
Exemption test available.
Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in ACED 2000 or exemption.
Restricted to BS-OAT plans of study.
ACED 3100 Computer Systems- eMajor Only
A general overview of computer hardware and networks. Emphasis is placed on
developing basic technological expertise and leadership in administering computer
technology in the workplace.
ACED 3101 Workplace Computerized Booking- eMajor Only
Hands on application of bookkeeping and computer concepts through the
installation, set-up, and use of a typical integrated computerized accounting
software system, including set-up and maintenance of software, management of a
chart of accounts and ledgers, analysis of transactions, generation of financial
reports, file and data management, and system security.
Prerequisite: ACED 2400 or CS 1000 or instructor consent, and ACCT 2101.
ACED 3150 Computer Operating Systems for the Office- eMajor Only
An introduction to operating systems, with hands-on experience in at least one
operating system widely used in contemporary office settings. Topics include
operating systems, their development, function, resources, memory management,
processor management, user interface, and embedded software applications. This
course helps prepare students to take a certification exam for a current operating
ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology – eMajor Only
Development of intermediate and advanced skills in the use of speadsheet,
database, communication and presentation software. Emphasis is placed on
creation of computer projects appropriate to the student’s plan of study.
Restricted to BS-OAT plans of study.
ACED 3610 Design and Multimedia – eMajor Only
Development of the knowledge and skills necessary for utilizing web editing and
graphics programs effectively. This course will focus on the design and production
of web sites and other materials for use in educational and training environments.
Restricted to BS-OAT plans of study.
ACED 3700 Desktop Publishing- eMajor Only
Development of desktop publishing concepts and their application to the modern
office. Basic, intermediate, and advanced features of a variety of application
programs for page design will be used to create various business-related
Prerequisite: ACED 2400, CS 1000 or consent of instructor.