2000 Ethics and the Healthcare Professional
Introduction to the meaning and scope of ethical dilemmas in health care; ethical
decision-making; the health professional as an individual, as a care giver, and as
a member of the health care team; the health care professional as a member of
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101, BUSA 2220 or permission of instructor.
Offered: Summer and on demand.
2100 Personal Growth & Development
An experiential course designed to enable the student to become aware of
effectively utilizing self as an agent of therapeutic change. Emphasis is on helping
each student identify personal values, assets and weaknesses and understand
how these influence his/her decisions and interactions with others in a helping
relationship. The dynamics of professional burnout will be explored, and each
student will develop an individual plan for self care.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 and admission to HST Program or PTA Program or
permission of instructor.
Offered: Summer.
1103 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
A study of the elements of functioning cultures, including kinship systems, patterns
of marriage, social and political structures and economic organization.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into
co-requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: On demand.
1010 Drawing
This course introduces the techniques, materials, and principles of drawing. The
course is composed of several projects/exercises that will emphasize the analysis
and rendering of line, form, value, texture, color, and perspective. During the
course, students will apply their understanding of drawing style, technique, media,
and methods of drawing.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
1020 Design I
This course involves the fundamentals of two-dimensional design introduced
through projects in a variety of media. The course is composed of several projects
that will emphasize the visual and intellectual aspects of form, visual awareness,
analytical thinking, craftsmanship, use of media and techniques, and the
application of design principles.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
1030 Design II
This course is an investigation of three-dimensional forms and space using various
materials and methods. In this course, students will demonstrate their ability to
invent imaginative and conceptual complex sculptures in response to a series of
studio problems using hand-building and simple materials.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.