DMSP 2114 Pediatric Ultrasound
This course is designed to introduce the DMSP student to the various stages and
sonographic appearance of normal and abnormal brain development. The
significance of abnormal findings. Various techniques of scanning the infant brain
along with the particular care needed for scanning the neonate, newborn and
pediatric patient. Sonographic evaluation of the normal and abnormal infant spine
is included. Abdominal and pelvic exams will also be discussed.
Prerequisite: Completion of all previous semester’s DMSP courses with a grade
of “C” or better.
Corequisites: DMST 2115, DMSP 2116.
Offered: Fall, second year.
DMSP 2115 Superficial Structures and Invasive Procedures
This course will discuss the various ultrasound techniques used while performing
an exam on the following: thryoid, breast, scrotum, prostate, anterior abdominal
wall, neck, non cardiac chest, gastrointestinal tract and extremities. The student
will learn to appraise the normal and abnormal sonographic findings of these areas
as well as disease processes and laboratory values. Invasive procedures will also
be evaluated.
Prerequisite: Completion of all previous semester’s DMSP courses with a grade
of “C” or better.
Corequisites: DMSP 2114, DMSP 2116.
Offered: Fall, second year.
DMSP 2116 Clinical Observation and Practicum II
This is an expansion of DMSP 2113 with increasing responsibilities of the student
sonographer. This course allows student observation and participation in the
clinical setting with hands-on experience with patients and equipment.
Prerequisite: DMSP 2113.
Corequisites: DMSP 2114, DMSP 2115.
Offered: Fall, second year.
DMSP 2117 Ultrasound in Review
This is a comprehensive review course for all previous DMSP courses to prepare
the student for the ultrasound registry. It will also review any trouble areas a
student may be experiencing.
Prerequisite: Completion of all previous semester’s DMSP courses with a grade
of “C” or better.
Corequisites: DMSP 2118, DMSP 2120.
Offered: Spring, second year.
DMSP 2118 Clinical Observations and Practicum III
An expansion of DMSP 2116; this course allows students to gain confidence in
their skills and the knowledge gained throughout the DMS program.
Prerequisite: DMSP 2116.
Corequisites: DMSP 2112, DMSP 2117.
Offered: Spring, second year.