MUSC 1101 Elementary Music Theory I
This course is a study of rhythm and its notation. Pitch and its notation, scales,
keys, modes, and intervals, harmony (triads, chords, root positions, figured bass
conventions). Harmonic analysis techniques, cadences, aspects of melodic
construction, and voice leading principles.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 1102 Elementary Music Theory II
This course is a study of voice leading principles (review), functional tonality,
seventh chords, and form.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1101.
Offered: Spring, Summer.
MUSC 1110 Applied Music for students in Non-Music Plans of study and
students plans of study in a secondary area
A one-half hour private lesson each week and at least 2.5 practice hours per week,
leading to basic proficiency and performance of standard repertoire. Students may
take MUSC 1110 each semester until they complete the objectives of the course.
MUSC 1110 does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a degree in music.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
MUSC 1111 Applied Music for Non-Music plans of study
A one hour private music lesson each week and at least five practice hours per
week, leading to basic proficiency and performance of standard repertoire.
Students may take MUSC 1111 each semester until they complete the objectives
of the course. MUSC 1111 does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a
degree in music.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
MUSC 1113 Class Voice
Class singing instruction designed for students who have little or no prior individual
vocal instruction. The class introduces the student to beginning vocal technique
in such areas as posture, breath management, correct vowel formation, English
and Italian diction, rhythm, and pitch. The course also includes instruction in
practicing and preparing songs for public performance. Students are expected to
sing individually as well as with the group during class time and for the final exam.
All music will be performed during class or during
the scheduled final exam. No public performance is required. Students may
repeat this class for credit until they complete the objectives of the course. Class
voice does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a degree in music.
Prerequisite : None.
Corequisite : None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.