MUSC 1183 Seminars in Church Music II
This course advances development and skills in church music for students
pursuing a Church Music Certificate. Students expand their knowledge of church
music related topics for understanding and future application in the church
environment. Students study, prepare, advance, and refind various skills required
of the position of church Music Director/Leader. Presentations of church music
related topics and areas of interests will be conducted. This course is limited to
students in the Church Music Certfificate Program.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1182.
Offered: On demand.
MUSC 2070 College Orchestra II
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature
for orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college
students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels
of participants, but is challenging. May be taken for two semesters after successful
completion of two semesters of College Orchestra I, MUSC 1070. Required of
students studying string as their performance ensemble during enrollment.
Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor.
Prerequisite: Ability to play an orchestral instrument at college level and
completion of two semesters of MUSC 1070.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 2080 College Concert Band II
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature
for band. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students
and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of
participants, but is challenging. May be taken for two semesters after successful
completion of two semester of College Concert Band I, MUSC 1080. Required of
students studying woodwind, brass, and percussion as their performance
ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the
Prerequisite: Ability to play a band instrucment at college level and the
completion of two semester of MUSC 1080.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 2090 College Choir II
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature
for choir. It’s open to all students who enjoy singing. Repertory includes wide
range of choral music representing all styles and periods. May be taken for two
semesters after successful completion of College Choir I, MUSC 1090. Required
of students studying vocal as their performance ensemble during enrollment.
Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor.
Prerequisite: The completion of two semesters of MUSC 1090.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 2201 Advanced Music Theory I
This course is a study of borrowed chords, secondary dominants, secondary
seventh chords, and analysis of small forms.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1102.
Offered: Fall.