MUSC 2202 Advanced Music Theory II
This course is a study of neapolitan and augmented sixth chords and other
chromatic chord forms, chords of the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth, and advanced
modulation. Harmonic techniques of the classical period, Sonata form, the Rondo,
nineteenth century harmonic developments, twentieth century compositional
techniques, and recent musical developments will also be introduced.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2201.
Offered: Spring.
MUSC 2211 Applied Music for Music plans of study only
Designed for music plans of study. A one-hour private music lesson each week
leading to advanced technical proficiency and performance of advanced solo
literature. Students learn repertoire necessary for transfer into a music
baccalaureate degree program. Students may take the course each semester until
they complete the objectives of the course. A minimum of five hours of practice a
week is required.
Corequisite: MUSC 1090 (students studying voice) or permission of program
director; or MUSC 1080 (students studying instrumental) or MUSC 1070 (students
studying string) or permission of program director, or MUSC 1080 or 1090
(students studying guitar and piano) or permission of program director.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
MUSC 2212 Applied Music for Music plans of studys only
Designed for music plans of study. A one-hour private music lesson each week
leading to advanced technical proficiency and performance of advanced solo
literature. Students learn repertoire necessary for transfer into a music
baccalaureate degree program. Students make take the course each semester
until they complete the objectives of the course. A minimum of five hours of
practice a week is required.
Corequisite: MUSC 1090 (students studying voice) or permission of program
director; or MUSC 1070 (students studying string) or permission of program
director, MUSC 1080 (students studying instrumental) or permission of program
director; or MUSC 1080 or 1090 (students studying guitar and piano) or permission
of program director.
Prerequisite: MUSC 2211, MUSC 1101, MUSC 1102.
Offered: All semesters.
1000 Introduction to Mythology
MYTH 1000 is a study of the mythology of a selected culture. Discussions will
include allusions to mythological tales and figures found in culture, literature, and
the arts, as well as the function of myth in society.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.