1111K Introductory Physics I
This is an introductory course which will include material from mechanics,
thermodynamics and waves. Elementary algebra and trigonometry will be used.
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Students receiving credit
for PHYS 1111K cannot receive credit for PHYS 2211K.
Prerequisite: MATH 1112 or MATH 1113.
Offered: Fall.
1112K Introductory Physics II
This is an introductory course which will include material from electromagnetism,
optics and modern physics. Elementary algebra and trigonometry will be used.
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Students receiving credit
for PHYS 1112K cannot receive credit for PHYS 2212K.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1111K.
Offered: Spring.
PHYS 1211K Principles of Physics I – eCore only
An introductory course which will include material from mechanics,
thermodynamics and waves. Elementary differential calculus will be used. This
course has a laboratory component that requires a lab kit.
Prerequisites: Completion of Calculus I (differentiate, integrate, simple functions).
2211K Principles of Physics I
This is an introductory course which will include material from mechanics,
thermodynamics and waves. Elementary differential calculus will be used.
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Students receiving credit
for PHYS 2211K cannot receive credit for PHYS 1111K.
Prerequisite: MATH 1151.
Offered: Spring.
2212K Principles of Physics II
This is an introductory course which will include material from electromagnetism,
optics, and modern physics. Elementary differential calculus and integral calculus
and will be used. Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. Students
receiving credit for PHYS 2212K cannot receive credit for PHYS 1112K.
Prerequisite: PHYS 2211K.
Offered: Spring.
1101 American Government in World Perspective
Survey of the American political system, focusing on the structures and on the
processes of policy making. Instruction concentrates on American national and
Georgia state governments and policies. Instruction emphasizes the history of and
the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Georgia. This course
satisfies the legislative requirement for the study of the U.S. and Georgia
Constitutions and also meets the US perspectives overlay.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into
co-requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: All semesters.