1110 Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology
Understanding of human movement and its impact on function through the
integration of biomechanics, kinesiology and applied anatomy. Principles will be
reinforced through a problem-solving approach. Goniometric measurements,
manual muscle testing, and palpation skills of the upper extremity, lower extremity,
trunk, and head will be included.
Corequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Prerequisite: Admission to PTA Program.
Offered: Fall.
1115 Clinical Pathology
The pathophysiology of selected disorders commonly encountered in physical
therapy. Etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, and prognosis of
disease and injury will be included. This is an on-line course.
Corequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1130.
Prerequisite: Admission to PTA Program.
Offered: Fall.
1121 Therapeutic Exercise I
Emphasizes demonstration and practice of common therapeutic exercise utilized
in physical therapy that include active, active assistive, and passive range of
motion. Data collection and performance of manual muscle testing and special
tests will be explored along with treatment interventions for common
musculoskeletal disease, dysfunction, and injury for treatment of neck, shoulder,
arm, hand, postural abnormalities, and body mechanics with an emphasis on
ergonomics. Principles of patient care will be developed utilizing critical thinking
and problem-solving skills in the selection and application of treatment
interventions based on the plan of care.
Prerequisite: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1125.
Corequisites: PTAS 1105, PTAS 1130, PTAS 2010.
Offered: Spring.
1122 Therapeutic Exercise for Special Populations
Advanced therapeutic exercise techniques used in specialty areas of physical
therapy, including, but not limited to: arthritis, wound care, burns, cardiopulmonary,
peripheral vascular disease, geriatrics, amputation, women's health, cancer and
chronic pain.
Corequisites: PTAS 1125, PTAS 1135, PTAS 2050.
Prerequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1105, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115, PTAS 1121,
PTAS 1130, PTAS 2010, PTAS 2100.
Offered: Summer.
1125 Physical Agents
Therapeutic properties and application of physical agents used in the delivery of
physical therapy services. Electromyography will be included. Emphasis is on
problem-solving skills necessary to provide an integrated approach to patient care.
Students must demonstrate basic skill acquisition in using equipment and the
ability to choose appropriate physical agents based on the physical therapist’s plan
of care. This course is web-enhanced.
Corequisites: PTAS 1100, PTAS 1110, PTAS 1115.
Prerequisite: Admission to PTA Program.
Offered: Fall.