RADS 1120 Imaging Science I
Content is designed to establish a basic knowledge of atomic structure and
terminology. Also presented are the nature and characteristics of radiation, x-ray
production and the fundamentals of photon interactions with matter. Factors that
govern the image production process, film imaging with related accessories and a
basis for analyzing radiographic images. Included is the importance of minimum
imaging standards, discussion of a problem-solving technique for image evaluation
and the factors that can affect image quality. Actual images will be included for
Prerequisites: MATH 1111 and RADS 1000.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Fall.
RADS 1210 Clinical Imaging I
Introduces students to the hospital clinical setting and provides an opportunity for
students to participate in and/or observe radiographic procedures. Topics include:
orientation to hospital areas and procedures, orientation to mobile/surgery,
orientation to radiography and fluoroscopy, participation in and/or observation of
procedures related to the thoracic and abdominal body cavities. Activities of
students are under direct supervision.
Prerequisite: Program Admission.
Corequisite: RADS 1000.
Offered: Spring.
RADS 1220 Clinical Imaging II
Continues introductory student learning experiences in the hospital setting. Topics
include: patient care, radiation safety practices, equipment utilization, exposure
techniques, attend to and/or observation of routine projections of the thoracic and
abdominal cavities in general and fluoroscopic procedures, observation of routine
projections of the upper extremities and the shoulder girdle and lower extremities,
pelvic girdle, and spine, observation of procedures related to the gastrointestinal
(GI), genitourinary (GU), and biliary systems and observation of procedure related
to minor radiologic procedures. Execution of radiographic procedures will be
conducted under direct and indirect supervision. Initial competencies will be
Prerequisites: RADS 1000, RADS 1210.
Corequisite: RADS 1020.
Offered: Summer.
RADS 1230 Clinical Imaging III
Intermediate student learning experiences in the hospital/clinical setting. Topics
include: patient care, radiation safety practices, equipment utilization, exposure
techniques, attend to and/or observation of routine projections of the thoracic and
abdominal cavities, upper and lower extremities, pelvic girdle, and spine, attend to
and/or observation of procedures related to the gastrointestinal (GI), genitourinary
(GU), and biliary systems, and attend to and/or observation of procedure related
to minor radiologic procedures. Execution of radiographic procedures will be
conducted under direct and indirect supervision. Additional competencies and
evidence of continued competencies will be obtained.
Prerequisite: RADS 1220.
Corequisite: RADS 1040.
Offered: Fall.