1132 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology
A general pharmacology course for the respiratory care professional caring for the
acute and subacute patient. Emphasis will be placed on the indications,
contraindication, hazards, and routes of administration for the drugs discussed.
The pharmacology of the major therapeutic classes of drugs important to
respiratory care will be presented.
Prerequisites: RESP 1100, RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1133, RESP 1134
Corequisites: RESP 1135, RESP 1136, RESP 1137, RESP 1138.
Offered: Spring Semester Sophomore Year, Fall Semester.
1133 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology
A study of the normal and abnormal anatomy and pathophysiology of the cardiac,
pulmonary and renal systems. The mechanisms of homeostatic control for acid/base
balance, ventilation, gas transport and circulation will be addressed. Hemodynamic
monitoring will be emphasized.
Corequisites: RESP 1100, RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1134.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Fall Semester Sophomore Year, Summer Semester.
1134 Cardiopulmonary Diseases & Treatment
A survey course of the clinical pathophysiology of selected cardiopumonary
diseases. The emphasis will be placed on the description of the etiology, clinical
manifestation, diagnosis, therapeutics and prognosis of acute and chronic
diseases of the cardiopulmonary patient.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Program.
Corequisites: RESP 1100, RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1133.
Offered: Fall, Summer Semester.
1135 Mechanical Ventilation and Critical Care
This course introduces the critical care modalities of airway management including
tracheal suctioning and endotracheal intubation, tracheostomy care, concepts of
mechanical ventilation are presented. Other critical care skills such as arterial
lines, hemodynamic monitoring, advanced patient monitoring, bronchoscopy, and
tracheostomy are presented. Basic math skills are required for this course. Each
student may be required to pass a math competency exam to demonstrate
Each student will be required to successfully pass a lab competency exam in order
to progress to RESP 2201.
Corequisites: RESP 1132, RESP 1136, RESP 1137, RESP 1138.
Prerequisites: RESP 1100, RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1133, RESP 1134.
Offered: Spring Semester Sophomore Year, Fall Semester.
1136 Pediatric and Neonatal Respiratory Care
This course presents the physiological and clinical concepts of mechanical
ventilation and critical care monitoring of the pediatric and neonatal patient. The
course focuses on respiratory care modalities and concepts specifically related to
the pediatric and neonatal patient. Some topics include: ventilator design &
function, assessment & monitoring of pediatric/neonatal patients, techniques for
improving ventilation & oxygenation, weaning strategies, and labor & delivery.
Critical thinking skills will be emphasized to support the application of
neonatal/pediatric physician and therapist driven protocols.
Corequisites: RESP 1132, RESP 1135, RESP 1137, RESP 1138.
Prerequisites: RESP 1100, RESP 1111, RESP 1131, RESP 1134, RESP 1133.
Offered: Spring Semester.